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التشغيل التلقائي
التكمله التلقائيه
المحاضره السابقه
المحاضره التاليه
برمجه تطبيق ديسك توب لادراه شركه سيارات ببايثون وباي كيوتي
FInal Project First Step
Final Project Intro (7:05)
Project Steps (9:37)
Project Tools (7:57)
Project Database Installation (12:54)
Project Analysis & Database Design
Client Demand (16:57)
Project Analysis & DB Design Intro (2:44)
Project Database Design Part 1 (26:08)
Project Database Design Part 2 (10:38)
Project UI Design
Project UI Design Intro (2:07)
Project UI Design Part1 (27:12)
Project UI Design Part2 (18:14)
Project UI Design Part3 (18:21)
Project UI Design Part4 (11:23)
Project Coding
Project Coding Intro 1 (2:16)
Project Coding Part2 (22:58)
Project Coding Part3 (19:18)
Project Coding Part4 (11:44)
Project Coding Part5 (35:26)
Project Coding Part6 (27:18)
Project Coding Part7 (33:24)
Project Coding Part8 (24:56)
Project Coding Part9 (37:55)
Project Coding Part10 (35:27)
Project Coding Part11 (30:00)
Project Coding Part12 (20:31)
Project Coding - Reports
Project Coding - Reports Part 1 (24:21)
Project Coding - Reports Part 2 (34:07)
Project Coding - Reports Part 3 (25:37)
Project Coding - Reports Part 4 (25:28)
Project Coding - Reports Part 5 (34:10)
Project Coding - Reports Part 6 (19:19)
Project Coding - Reports Part 7 (18:46)
Project Coding - Reports Part 8 (19:20)
Project Coding - Reports Part 9 (29:14)
Adding Users To The App
Adding Login Window To The Project (14:38)
Adding Users (22:47)
Updating Users Info (17:12)
Client Installation
Setup MYSQL On The Client Machine (12:06)
Install Our Database on Client Machine (8:09)
Create An exe From Our Code (12:26)
Create A Package From Our exe (10:30)
Project Steps
المحاضره التاليه
مشاهدة المزيد
0 التعليقات